Always on the run? Always perfect!
Always perfect! Indistinguishable from “natural” unless approached with a magnifying glass; the more our clients learn that semi-permanent make-up is one of the services offered by the Brazilian Beauty Center, the more they come to ask us to correct the mistakes made by others. Semi-permanent makeup is very uncreative, it’s the result of learning, study, dedication, rules, measures, algorithms and… patience!
SEMIPERMANENT MAKEUP: Eyebrows, eyeline, lip contour. Ready and go!
MICROBLADING: From eyebrows filled with “full” tattooing with dermograph to hair microblading. At the BBC you will find the most advanced technologies/procedures.
The term microblading refers to an aesthetic treatment similar to tattooing that allows you to correct aesthetic defects of the eyebrows. It’s called microblading because concretely we intervene with a tool that has micro blades (from the English micro blade) that generate small incisions in the skin where the color pigment will then be inserted.
The correct way to call this treatment is ‘micro-blading’ and not microblading or microblading as it is often read. Even the term ‘microblading’ is a variant that is used more in the Italian language but which does not respect the origin of the name of the treatment which derives precisely from the term ‘blade’, which in English means blade.
Microblading origins
Microblading is a very widespread technique in the USA where the market for reference products to perform this treatment is very thriving. Microblading in Italy came later and has been starting to spread for a few years. In the past, our country had witnessed the proliferation of eyebrow tattoo treatments that failed to generate pleasant aesthetic effects.
Over time the treatment has been refined and today microblading is a very advanced technique that allows, even in Italy, to have excellent quality results. Microblading treatment is now chosen by many women who have aesthetic problems related to the eyebrow area. With microblading it is possible to correct any imperfection by highlighting the gaze and a new conformation to the face.
Microblading technique
Eyebrow microblading is performed with a manual tool that allows you to intervene with the utmost precision: it is a small pen with an inclined blade at the end of which several very thin needles are placed. These needles do not penetrate the skin deeply but produce small surface scratches in the eyebrow area. The color pigment is then inserted into these small incisions caused by the micro blades .
With this technique the arch is built by redesigning the eyebrows from under the skin. A manual technique that differentiates microblading from permanent makeup as well as traditional tattooing. The dermograph is not used but this nib with small blades that create incisions in the skin. There are several microblading techniques: as in the case of microdrilling, a tattoo of the eyebrows with a lighter touch which also implies an addition to the original shape of the eyebrows; microshading, same intervention but for more delicate and sensitive skins; the hair microblading technique which involves drawing the eyebrows in every single hair, creating a very natural and high quality effect.
How long does Microblading last?
As mentioned, it is a permanent / semi-permanent make-up procedure that tends to remain on the face for a few months. There isn’t an equal duration for everyone, given that microblading is a subjective treatment that depends a lot on the patient’s skin type, as well as on how the dermopigmentist (whose meaning is a professional who intervenes by pigmenting the skin) works.
If the microblading procedure is not performed correctly, the risk is that the color pigment goes too deep under the skin, causing a dead skin effect that tends to come off after a few weeks.
This is why before undergoing a microblading treatment it is essential that the professional provides advice on how the treatment will be performed; and to do this a personalized approach is of fundamental importance . The duration of the microblading pigment depends on the patient’s skin type, as well as the type of treatment to be undertaken.
Is Microblading Painful?
Not significantly, it causes at best some annoyance. Unlike tattoos, which can be very painful, this dermopigmentation technique does not cause pain. Even when the treatment is finished, there will be no particular signs, just a slight redness in the eyebrow area.
It will be enough to treat the area of the operation to cure the eyebrow tattoo and after a week the redness will tend to disappear . It is important that the patient follows the course in the recommended way by applying creams , such as petroleum jelly, like an ordinary tattoo. After the microblading treatment, however, pain and discomfort will be reduced to a minimum.
Who is eyebrow tattooing good for?
Microblading is a treatment aimed at all those women who want to correct aesthetic defects of the eyebrows or who simply have the desire for a lasting remedy so as not to have to undergo daily sessions of make-up based on traditional cosmetics for hours and hours. In particular, microblading is useful in the following cases:
For sparse eyebrows that require filling;
For scars present in the eyebrow area;
For raised eyebrows;
If the eyebrows do not have enough hair and are not thick;
If the eyebrow hair has stopped growing;
If the two eyebrows are not symmetrical with each other;
If you’re tired of drawing your eyebrows every morning with traditional pencils;
If you want to have perfect and best shaped eyebrows.
With microblading all the main defects can be corrected as a camouflage effect of the eyebrows is obtained. Which are one of the most important parts of the face that can make a face attractive or not.
Microblading or eyebrow tattooing
Eyebrow tattooing can be done with various techniques, one of which is microblading. With this intervention it is possible to generate a filling effect on the eyebrows, making them thicker and giving life to any type of look: from a natural look to a much bolder one.
We talk about tattoo even if in practice microblading is not a real tattoo: the technique is very similar, we proceed by cleaning the area to be treated (that of the forehead) to then use the specific manual machine. So not the tattoo machine but microblading. A semi-permanent brow tattoo that gives definition to the area, enhances fullness and can even substantially change the shape of the brows.
Microblading results
The results of this type of intervention are today extremely qualitative, natural unlike what happened years ago, with the first eyebrow tattoos when it could happen to meet women with eyebrows drawn in a questionable way, with shades of color that were anything but pleasing to the view.
Today the results of microblading procedures for eyebrow treatment can reach levels of absolute excellence, always keeping in mind the discourse linked to the professional one decides to contact, a factor that makes all the difference in the case.
Microblading treatment can draw perfect eyebrows in a lasting way and with a completely painless treatment. A recent technique that falls within the category of permanent make-up or dermopigmentation. There is also talk of semi-permanent eyebrow make-up precisely to indicate a lasting, but not definitive intervention unlike tattoos.
Microblading costs
One aspect that we have not covered so far is that relating to the costs of microblading. Many factors linked to the dermopigmentist who intervenes always make the difference. As always on the market, it is worth talking about the best professional who is the one who will be paid the most. This is only partly true because it can happen that you turn to dermopigmentists who ask for high prices but who will not then guarantee an impeccable result.
On the other hand, it is said that less well-known professionals on the market, who consequently offer lower costs for microblading interventions, must necessarily be less good. In general, taking a look at what is present on the net and averaging the main realities that provide permanent make-up treatments, the costs for microblading operations range from 200 euros up to over 500 euros.
It should also be remembered that it is a delicate treatment, which cannot be applied by an ordinary beautician, which requires refined knowledge as well as the use of specific substances. Therefore, be wary of subjects who offer microblading interventions at too low prices.
Microblading products
The products for microblading are natural and certified by the Ministry of Health. We are talking about a color pigment that is inserted into the most superficial layers of the skin and therefore does not enter too deeply. This pigment is natural as well as absorbable by the skin.
It is essential to use only certified color pigments, guaranteed by the Ministry of Health, just like the pigments of traditional tattoos. In this way the microblading treatment is safe, without risks for the patient. Among the microbkading products there is also the tool used to carry out the treatment: a curved nib with micro blades that create tiny incisions in the skin where the color pigment is then injected.
Eyebrow tattoo how to cure it
Once the eyebrow tattoo or microblading has been performed, it is essential to take care of it in the best possible way so as to obtain a perfect aesthetic result. Immediately after the treatment, the eyebrow area will appear red, while small scabs may appear in the following days. Which is completely normal.
To cure the eyebrow tattoo it is essential to hydrate the area in the best possible way for at least two weeks by washing it carefully and using special ointments, such as those used after a traditional tattoo. In this way, and by paying the utmost attention to daily behaviors so as not to irritate the area, the eyebrow tattoo will be preserved in the best possible way.
As always happens in the world of aesthetics, the novelties very often come from Brazil . Different microblading schools have already arrived in Italy which differ in the shape, the setting of the design, the type of tool used, the angle of the tool at the time of engraving, etc.
As with other treatments offered at the Brazilian Beauty Center in Milan, Rosy Trindade collected three microblading diplomas at three different schools , but then ended up specializing at the Brazilian school , preferring the holistic approach .
Scrolling through the photos of the various microblading schools, you will notice how the proportions of head/body/tail, shape in general, thickness remain practically unchanged in all the cases presented. In other words, school A will invariably produce type A eyebrows, school B exclusively produce type B eyebrows; each school has its own “printer”.
The Brazilian approach disregards formulas, algorithms and matrices by proportioning and drawing the eyebrows not based on calculations but based on the sensitivity of the executor according to the client’s face. Just as there are no two identical faces, not even those of twin sisters, so there must be no pre-packaged eyebrows.
Naturally, this is a growth path of the Brow Shaping artist that is much more articulated and difficult to teach, also because it necessarily requires that the artist possess a solid foundation not only of microblading, but also of aesthetics in general, drawing and a considerable amount of sensitivity .
In the Brazilian school the drawing of the eyebrows is done freehand (with at most a little help deriving from the use of a ruler) with a pencil . The client is then photographed and sent home for her to have the opportunity to see herself with her new eyebrows before they become a semi-definitive feature of her face.
It is therefore evident that this new type of approach/art means that each client is equipped with HIS eyebrows and not those of the school.
(source: Rosiane Trindade)